Report Generator
For in-vitro diagnostic use
select language English German Italian Spanish French Portuguese Dutch Polish Pathologist:
Date of measurement:
Plate ID:
MammaTyper® Lot:
Instructions: Step 1, Select instrument Step 2, Check the data format Step 3, Upload the data
Select both files for FAM and HEX/VIC/JOE channels and upload them together to the software. Note:
- Make sure the sample names are consistent among all the wells within the same row. Failure to follow the naming rule may result in errors during the calculation;
- Regardless how many samples (1-8) were run on the plate, make sure you export the data for the whole plate except for position D10-D12 and E10-E12. Any missing wells on the file will result in errors during the calculation. Subtyping
MammaTyper® cut-offs for LightCycler480/cobas z480
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 34.7 35.9 36.7 37.4
MammaTyper® cut-offs for SLAN-96P
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 34.8 35.8 36.4 37.0
MammaTyper® cut-offs for CFX96
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 35.1 36.3 37.0 37.7
MammaTyper® cut-offs for AriaDx
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 34.6 35.9 36.7 37.4
MammaTyper® cut-offs for MX3000P
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 34.2 35.5 36.3 37.0
MammaTyper® cut-offs for ABI7500 v1.4
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 33.7 35.0 35.9 36.6
MammaTyper® cut-offs for ABI7500 v2.3
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 33.7 34.9 35.7 36.4
MammaTyper® cut-offs for Versant
ERBB2 0/Ultra Low Low 1+/2+(ISH -ve) Pos 2+(ISH +ve)/ 3+ 40-ΔΔCq
ESR1 Negative < 1% Low < 10% Positive ≥ 10% 40-ΔΔCq
PGR Negative < 1% Low < 20% Positive ≥ 20% 40-ΔΔCq
MKI67 5% 20% 30% 60% 40-ΔΔCq 34.5 35.7 36.5 37.2